It's obvious to everyone looking at this election, whether they admit it or not, that Donald Trump has no intention of releasing his tax returns, ever.
And campaign director Kellyanne Conway, what is there to say about her? If she knows anything about Trump's history, she's getting paid up front in cash. Since her job is lying daily for the Trumps she sure does earn it.
Here's the latest, I would call it an outrage, but we're past that by now. Here's her lie of the day. Ka-ching, Kellyanne.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Kelleyanne Conway, I remember an earlier name. talking about being in Ireland this weekend. look, Donald Trump, your candidate, must have known that Hillary Clinton was going to come at him with the birther issue. that probably Lester Holt would do it. That they would go after him on the tax returns thing. why wasn't he ready?
CONWAY: He was ready for both.
CONWAY: Yes, he repeated on the first issue exactly what he had said ten days earlier.
MATTHEWS: But nobody buys this audit thing.
CONWAY: I'm sorry, i was talking about the birther issue.
MATTHEWS: No one buys the audit thing on the income taxes. which taxes are being audited?
CONWAY: I have no idea.
MATTHEWS: Are they federal or state?
CONWAY: Definitely Federal.
MATTHEWS: Is it his company or personal taxes?
CONWAY: I would assume it's both. I don't know. I've talked to his lawyers and accountants and I've asked them, what's the big deal, why can't you release them? They have said, we do not recommend that he release his taxes while he's under audit. The only time Hillary Clinton's e-mails were mentioned is when Donald Trump mentioned them on his answer about taxes. I'll go against the advice of my accountants and --
MATTHEWS: What's the connection?
CONWAY: The connection is, she's, you must release your taxes, you must release your taxes and he is saying, release your 33,000 e-mails.
MATTHEWS: So they're negotiable?
CONWAY: No, he said he would go against the advice of his --
MATTHEWS: He said, I will release my taxes if you release your e-mails.
CONWAY: People want to know more what their tax returns will look like.
MATTHEWS: But he said, if you do this, I'll do that.
CONWAY: Good thing he mentioned her emails...
And we're off to the races with the additional emails instead of the brand new never seen tax returns, and denying precisely what Trump said during the debate -- that he would agree to a quid pro quo.
Cash up front, Kellyanne. Cash up front.