I have a confession to make. I subscribe to Richard Viguerie's "Conservative HQ" emails.
I do so for "work," and also for giggles. But when this one came in today's email box, I have to admit I was a bit surprised (emphasis added):
“Unlike the failed campaigns of John McCain and Mitt Romney, who took the advice of the GOP establishment consultants and the media and ‘moved to the center,’ Donald Trump has moved right to bring movement conservatives into partnership with the conservative populists who won him the Republican primaries. This is a winning coalition,” observed Viguerie.
“If the reports that Roger Ailes is advising Donald Trump on debate prep are true, and with Pence, Sessions, Conway and Bannon leading the campaign team, I expect the closing months of the Trump campaign to be based on the winning conservative issues of law and order, winning the war with radical Islam and rebuilding our economy by removing the $2 trillion regulatory drag of the Obama years.”
“Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon are two of the conservative movement’s most talented and trusted strategists,” said Viguerie. “Trump’s decision to promote them to top leadership positions in his campaign will do much to close the deal with movement conservatives to actively support and vote for Donald Trump.”
Oh FFS. Really? Is this the same Conservative HQ who emailed in January that we must "Vote for Ted Cruz Like The Future Of Your Country Depends Upon It"?
The "assumption among the insiders of the Washington Cartel is that they can make a deal with Donald Trump.
“You can coach Donald. If he got nominated he’d be scared to death,” longtime GOP insider Charlie Black explained to The New York Times.
And that’s the key to why nominating and electing Ted Cruz is so vital to the future of this great Republic: Donald Trump is singular—he does not stand for a set of constitutional conservative principles – he stands for nothing but himself and his own idiosyncratic ideas.
And sent me a link to the video above proving that Donald Trump is NOT a "real" conservative?
Richard Viguerie is the king of conservative email. He clearly lives off the "Sucker Born Every Minute" fountain of right wing stupid.
And when Trump loses in November, I look forward to the Conservative HQ "pivot" back to "he wasn't a real conservative." Because they always, always, do.