June 28, 2015

Welcome again to pander central: Scott Walker edition. Speaking at the Western Conservative Summit 2015 from Denver, Colorado, Walker appeared with Hugh Hewitt and says,

'I'm not a lawyer, I think that's worth a little applause right there.'

He forgets to add that he's likely not intelligent enough to get into any law school, his incomplete college record speaks volumes.

He labels himself a fan of the legal system of the U.S. He basically says, I've put a legal team together to see which lawyer/judge would most adhere to the principles of my lords and saviors, the Koch Brothers, people who will not change laws but rule on them. Scotty wants everyone to know what an amazing Christian he is, of course not fond of the Marriage Equality Decision, so he reminds people of the religious liberty our Founding Fathers advocated.

William Penn was a victim of religious persecution. It is not freedom from religion, it is freedom OF religion. Claiming the Constitution was written to support freedom of religion, not freedom from religion is Unconstitutional.

Walker seems to forget, the majority of the founders were Deists, not Christians.

Hewitt: Will you make Hillary's server in 2016 an issue?

  • Walker: I think it's part of a larger pattern....The Clintons, while one of them was Secretary of State, the other was doing speeches on behalf of foreign government. (3 things he's touting). If we're going to beat a name from the past we need a name from the future.
  • We need someone who is the anti-Washington
  • We've actually gotten something done (unlike Hillary)

A heckler interrupted and Walker accuses him of being 'exported in from Wisconsin' (because he knows that he's pissed off so many Wisconsinites), but don't worry about Scotty. He's used to hundreds of thousands of protesters because he's been the most obnoxious enemy of the middle class. When you serve your Koch overlords, you don't care about those plebeian protesters, you simply care about the size of your bank account.

Mr. Walker has a pretty disgustingly sordid record, and the fact that he brags about it shows how incredibly deluded his worldview really is. He has embraced extortion. He has made a hot mess of Wisconsin's Supreme Court. He confuses religious liberty with the right to be a bigot. Scott Walker, without mincing words, is a complete liar.

Big and bold lie #1: Walker promised to create 250,000 jobs in his first term in office.

Reality: As of last September, there has been 102,000 jobs created since Walker took office. And many of those jobs came during the first six months of his term, before any of his policies or budgets took effect.

Big and bold lie #2: Walker promised to eliminate the state deficit and claims to have done so in his first term.

Reality: Walker has a current deficit of $280 million which has to be cleared up by June and a projected deficit of a whopping $2.2 billion going into the next budget cycle.

We mustn't forget what Wanker did to the Wisconsin University system and the rest of academia in the state. Please save it, Walker. No one with the sense gawd gave a flea is buying anything this horrible man is selling.

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