Donald Trump levied a pretty thinly veiled threat today against Hillary Clinton. At a rally Wilmington, North Carolina, Trump told the baying crowd:
“Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the second amendment people, maybe there is.”
I had to watch the clip a few times to make sure I heard him correctly. The first time, I looked at the computer, said "no way he just said that" and rewound the clip. Then at a second glance I said to myself "oh my god, he is suggesting someone assassinate Hillary Clinton if she wins." Then I got on twitter and saw that I didn't hear it wrong.
Reaction has been fast and furious. Trump's supporters are calling it either a joke or saying that what he *really* meant was that people vote. Except his statement was about actions that should happen after she is elected. But you know, facts.
Jake Tapper had on former CIA Chief Michael Hayden to discuss the comments. His reaction?
"HAYDEN: It suggests either very bad taste reference to political assassination or an attempt at humor or an incredible insensitivity to the prevalence of political assassination inside of American history and how that is a topic that we don't even come close to, even when we are trying to be lighthearted.
TAPPER: There was an attempt on Donald Trump's life just a few weeks ago and the Secret Service got involved.
HAYDEN: Well, let me say that if someone else said that, outside the hall, he;d be in the back of a police wagon now with the Secret Service questioning him."
Unfortunately, Donald Trump isn't being treated like a normal person...yet. Maybe this will be the thing that finally gets him charged/investigated/removed from the ticket. Then again, probably not.