At a campaign rally in Dimondale, MI., Donald Trump tried to appeal to African American voters by telling them, "What do you have to lose" If you vote Donald Trump.
He said, "Look how much African American communities have suffered under Democratic control. To those I say, the following. What do you have to lose by trying something new like Trump. Whaddaya have to lose?"
My response is, What do you have to lose if you vote for David Duke? What do you have to lose if you try swallowing cyanide? Or battery acid? Or soaking in bleach?
Trump seems to forget that black communities suffered much worse under eight years of Reagan, four years of Daddy Bush and eight years of George W. Bush, but he was riffing, right?
He continued, "I say it again, what do you have to lose? You're leaving in poverty, your schools are no good. You have no jobs!"
I guess he believes that every African American in America is broke, stupid and unemployed.
And then he made a very delusional and comical claim when he said, "And at the end of four years I guarantee you that I will get over 95% of the African American vote."
Wow, he's shooting for the moon since he's only getting 1% of their vote now.
He continued to harp on how great he'll be for African Americans, but never said how he would do it.
"My administration will go to work for you as no one has ever done before. We will work."
UPDATED: By the way, Donald.
There are currently 31 Republican governors in America. I guess they should be kicked out too, right?