Chuck Todd was shocked -- SHOCKED -- this morning when former Obama campaign manager said some truth on Meet the Press earlier today.
Brace yourselves, now, because truth is hard.
"Basically, we have a psychopath running for President," Plouffe said. "I mean, he meets the clinical definition, okay?"
Chuck grew very afraid, interrupting Plouffe with his signature "Wait a minute!" exclamation.
"Do you really think, diagnosing people on air, I assume you don't have a degree in Psychology. Is that fair? I mean -- we're jumping to conclusions here, I think this is what gets voters a little frustrated with this campaign."
Really, Chuck? Do you think voters are frustrated with this campaign because a lunatic won the Republican nomination? The guy who spews "I'm rubber, you're glue" statements at every opportunity? You think someone actually speaking the truth is what frustrates voters?
Get out a little bit, Chuck. Experience the world. It is the fact of Trump's psychopathy that frustrates voters, not pointing that fact out.
Plouffe also destroyed Todd's horserace narrative shortly thereafter.
"But here it is, Chuck. Basically, the race ends today, he said. "I think Hillary Clinton is guaranteed at least 269 electoral votes, think about that. Because Virginia and Colorado, both campaigns I think believe are put away."
"I think it's likely going to be a landslide," Plouffe continued. "I mean, you look at every state. So Pennsylvania, Donald Trump has less than zero percent chance of winning Pennsylvania. She's sitting at 269. And I think states like New Hampshire, I think states like Florida, I think states like Ohio, Nevada, she's clearly got the advantage."
"So again, if you step back and say, "Has Donald Trump done anything in the last few weeks to attract swing, suburban college-educated women, improve his position with younger voters, with minority voters?" He hasn't done that."
Indeed, Virginia and Colorado are in double digits for Hillary Clinton, mostly because voters in those states cannot abide the level of insanity Donald Trump is pitching to them. Even if there are "secret bigots" waiting to cast their votes for Trump, there will not be enough of them to overcome the votes of African-American and Latino citizens waiting to vote against him.
There is no horserace, as Chuck was forced to concede.