CNN's Brooke Baldwin followed up Donald Trump's ISIS speech by asking Trump surrogate what "extreme measures," Donald was prepared to take after he said he would do it “viciously if necessary.”
John Hajjar, co-chair of the American Mideast Coalition For Trump said that Trump would make sure to put the Constitution ahead of Sharia law.
I kid you not. That's where the Republican Party is right now.
Baldwin asked, "What extreme measures did he mean specifically?," alluding to Trump's penchant for waterboarding and other torture methods.
He didn't know so he tried to change the subject. Baldwin refused to allow it and said, "With all due respect, could you actually answer my question?"
"The specific response to answer your question is, we'll enforce laws that are on the books that are not being enforced now."
Hajjar continued, "We will vet these individuals making sure they pledge allegiance to this country as Mr. Trump's said, the US Constitution will take precedence over Sharia Law under a Trump administration."
This is supposed to be a serious proposal for our national security? Asking potential immigrants if they support Sharia law over democracy?
This is as asinine as when Newt Gingrich decided this was a viable plan to ensure our safety.
"Western civilization is in a war," Gingrich thundered. "We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported."
By the way, isn't freedom of religion part of what makes America great?
Bringing in "Sharia Law" is a favorite topic of the right wing fever swamps and Trump dove head first to the far end of the pool.