Nothing like having a bunch of neo-Nazis yelling “white power,” “make America white again,” and "heil Trump” in your boat parade to help with your voter outreach program.
October 15, 2024

Nothing like having a bunch of neo-Nazis yelling “white power,” “make America white again,” and "heil Trump” in your boat parade to help with your voter outreach program.

As The MeidasTouch Network noted, Eric Trump promoted the parade, which was held this past Sunday, on social media.


Here's more on the neo-Nazis from their post:

A Trump boat parade featuring Eric and Lara Trump on Sunday was joined by neo-Nazi Trump supporters flying swastika flags and yelling racist comments. So far, Eric or Lara Trump have yet to tweet any condemnation of the neo-Nazi Trump supporters that joined their parade.

The group wore skull masks, a favorite of Neo-Nazi to hide their identities. The back of the boat had flag poles flying both swastika and Trump flags. The group's Trump flags read, "Make America White Again." The group yelled out "white power," "make America white again," and "heil Trump," and adaptation of the Nazi phrase "heil Hitler." The group can also be heard yelling the n-word and mentioning "Jews."

One member on the boat held up a Mike Lindell My Pillow sign with his controversial $14.88 pricing. 1488 is a white supremacist code that combines a "14 words" statement about securing a white future and "88" which stands for "heil Hitler.


They wondered when the RNC or anyone in the Trump family is going to denounce the neo-Nazis. I'm pretty sure the answer to that question is never. Cozying up to these racists is a feature, and not a bug for this race-baiting campaign.

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