July 6, 2016

Katrina Pierson, one of Trump's most trusted TV surrogates sounded more foolish than usual when she tried to rebuff Hillary Clinton's blistering speech that attacked Trump's many Atlantic City business failures.

He calls himself the king of debt and he earned that title right here in Atlantic City," Clinton said in a speech just steps away from the now-closed Trump Plaza Casino and Hotel. "His bad decisions hurt the whole city."

Wolf asked her to give an official campaign response on HRC's attacks when he said, "Donald Trump did file four bankruptcies in Atlantic City, I want to get your immediate reaction to this very blistering attack..."

Pierson started off by saying,"Mr. Trump had four bankruptcies on the business side, never a personal bankruptcy.."

Really, she made that argument.

If he's president, he wouldn't be bankrupting himself, but the entire nation, Katrina.

She blamed the politicians, NAFTA and business regulations for sinking Trump four times in AC, but if this were true, maybe after the second time crapping out, Donald would have learned how to get around those impediments - if he was a really good business man.

She said, "the reason why Trump is running is simply because things like NAFTA, something that HRC pushed and is currently pushing the TPP, is what kills jobs and that's why we don't make things anymore.'

She bizarrely continued, "And Mr. Trump believes in putting your oxygen mask on first before helping others, and that’s exactly what has happened.”

See, he needs to get his before anybody else, no matter who he hurts. His slogan has always been "Trump First, Suckas!"

Wolf asked her if Trump, being a billionaire and all, should pay back all the small businesses that went belly up in AC because he refused to pay them for their services.

"Does he have a moral responsibility to repay these small business owners in Atlantic City, he says he's worth more than ten billion dollars?"

Katrina responded by saying they don't know all the contracted obligations Trump had so FU.

Then she went on to blame Hillary for the global financial collapse, college debt and the mortgage crisis.

I'm sure oxygen masks are being sold out everywhere!

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