Track Palin Enters Plea In Domestic Abuse Case
July 16, 2016

Sarah Palin's son Track was charged with punching a girl in the face earlier this year.

An investigation revealed Track Palin had committed a domestic violence assault on a female, interfered with her ability to report a crime of domestic violence, and possessed a firearm while intoxicated. Palin was arrested and charges of assault in the fourth degree (domestic violence), interfering with a domestic violence report, and misconduct involving weapons in the fourth degree were forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office. Palin was held without bail until arraignment.

A few days ago the Alaskan Dispatch News reported Track reached a plea deal with the state of Alaska.

"court records show the agreement involved the state dropping two of three misdemeanor charges against Palin, including domestic-violence assault and interfering with the report of a domestic-violence crime."

Track Palin pled guilty to a misdemeanor weapons charge to escape the worst of his actions, proving it helps to have moms in high places

"Misconduct involving weapons (in the fourth degree), concerning being under the influence and having a firearm."

At the time, Sarah Palin got heavily criticized for trying to blame President Obama and PTSD for her son's actions, because - freedom!

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