After Donald Trump finished an hour and fifteen minute long acceptance at the RNC Convention, the longest since 1972, most of which he shouted, had the Fox News pundits doing their best to soft pedal the dark and apocalyptic message he put forth.
All except Chris Wallace, host of Fox News Sunday, who felt like many people did that his delivery was excruciating.
Tucker Carlson proclaimed that this is a "new Republican party, it is Trump's party - a transformation."
Chris Wallace was next up didn't hold back, he said there were "two ways to view the speech. The actual words of the speech...and when I read it I thought it was a really strong speech...but we can't ignore the presentation. He shouted the speech. For some reason he said each word so slowly that it kind of became an endurance test and in that sense I think it was a bit of a missed opportunity."
I had to turn down my volume after thirty minutes because I couldn't handle his shriek-like delivery and I came in being open minded to what I would hear.