July 26, 2016

Here's what passes for political analysis on CNN these days. Ever since it was apparent that Orange Julius was going to win the Republican nomination, CNN has decided that they have to include at least one raving mad wingnut Trump supporter on every panel for "balance."

This Monday's coverage of the 2016 Democratic National Convention was no exception and included Trump supporter and CNN resident Trump apologist, Jeffrey Lord. We've documented many of Lord's ridiculous appearances on CNN here if you're not already familiar with this guy.

So... how can you tell when someone on the right has run out of ammunition to attack you with and has nothing? When they make arguments like this. Here's Lord serving up a heaping helping of projection and pretending that daring to point out racism, and inequality is picking on those poor one percenters and racists.

LORD: I would have to say respectfully that this is a party that divides by race, age, gender, class... class warfare, class envy. And you think the Republican convention was a hate-fest. I would respectfully suggest to you...

JONES: Who was hated here?

LORD: People... the one percent.

JONES: Okay. How's that?

LORD: Uggghhh, the subtext here was people who oppose illegal immigration...

JONES: That's your answer?

LORD: Absolutely. (crosstalk) They're dividing by race...

JONES: Here's what's wrong with your argument. When you say that people who are speaking as Americans in their own way and in their own voices, about their own experiences, when you call those people hateful, I think you lose the argument, because nobody here is hateful. What they're afraid of is being hated, and that's what they're standing up for.

Thankfully Van Jones was there once again for dose of sanity, but seriously CNN, it's long past time to give this guy the boot.

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