Folks, this was eleven days ago. On June 1,
the NewsHour hosted President Obama for a wide-ranging interview with Gwen Ifill, followed by a town hall meeting in Elkhart, Indiana. After the broadcast, Obama answered a few bonus questions for the audience, including one query regarding the contentious issue of gun control and Second Amendment rights.
Nothing's changed in 12 days, except many more innocent lives lost to the ownership of our Congress by the National Rifle Association.
And I for one am glad the questioner decided to blame the Democrats for Chicago gun violence in his question. Because HE made it a party, partisan issue. "The Democrat Party" is to blame for "thugs" having guns.
So you want to make this a partisan issue? Fine. The fact that Congress will not allow the Center for Disease Control to study gun violence shows just how enslaved the REPUBLICAN Congress is by the gun lobby.
Vote 'em out.