How pathetic is it when you're rambling nonsense about alcohol and firearms gets knocked down by the NRA? At a campaign rally this weekend, Donald Trump told his supporters that "the Orlando nightclub massacre might not have ended so tragically had clubgoers been armed."
"If in that club, you had some people, not a lot of people ... but if you had somebody with a gun strapped on to their hip, somebody with a gun strapped on to their ankle and you had bullets going in the opposite direction, right at this animal who did this, you would have had a very, very different result," Trump, who has called himself the protector of the Second Amendment, said Saturday at the Arizona State Fairgrounds.
Never mind this bit of reality Trump chose to ignore:
There was an armed security guard working at Pulse nightclub the night that Omar Mateen came and opened fire, killing 49 people and injuring 53 more before being gunned down by police.
Which led to this brief moment of sanity from the NRA's top lobbyist, Chris Cox, on ABC's This Week:
COX: -- what Donald Trump has said is that the -- the policies of that nightclub, the gun-free zone, did not prevent that terrorist from going in and mowing down innocent people. And we need to have an honest discussion about what works.
KARL: But do you want people late at night at a nightclub drinking (INAUDIBLE)...
COX: Of course not. Of course not. And you can't be in a nightclub drinking anywhere in this country. What Donald Trump has said is what the American people know is commonsense, that if somebody had been there to -- to stop this faster, fewer people would have died. That's not -- that's not controversial, that's commonsense.
KARL: But you don't like the idea of people going into nightclub armed to the teeth?
COX: Of course.
COX: No one thinks that people should go into a nightclub drinking and carrying firearms. That's -- that defies commonsense. It also defies the law. It's not what we're talking about here.
What we're talking about is the failure of this government to keep us safe. And the American people are scared. And they have reason to be scared. And you can -- you can do both things. You can stop bad things from happening while protecting the rights of law-abiding people to defend themselves.
Don't hold your breath for them to stop the fearmongering, claims that Democrats are going to come take everyone's guns, or for them to actually support any legislation that makes it to the Senate floor in the coming weeks. They know who signs their checks and want to keep them coming.
h/t Raw Story