On top of all that, the state has lost billions of dollars in tourism and new business who said that they want nothing to do with a state that would pass this type of law.
But all that did not slow down the hate and bigotry in Wisconsin. Republican State Representative Jesse Kremer has said that he is planning on re-introducing his own transgender bathroom bill:
Kremer introduced a similar bill during the last legislative session, but it died in committee.
He said the administration's letter doesn't change anything in his eyes. He also said he's not sure whether electing a Republican president would guarantee a rollback of the guidelines, noting that likely GOP nominee Donald Trump has previously said transgender people should use the bathroom in which they are most comfortable. In response to Obama's letter, Trump said states should decide the issue.
Kremer said he's most concerned not with bathrooms, but with locker rooms and changing facilities. He said he'll wait and see what happens in other cases throughout the country before determining how to move forward with his legislation
Kremer's bill has the backing of the right wing hate group Wisconsin Family Action, whose leader, Julaine Appling, worked hand in hand with Kremer in crafting the bill. This is noteworthy because Appling herself is a confirmed bachelorette who has been living together for years with another unmarried woman, but I'm sure that means nothing and really isn't our business (sips tea).
While it might be a little mind-boggling and unbelievable that Kremer would come out with this now, but it really isn't surprising. Kremer is up for reelection this year. And since he can't run on job creation, improving the economy, making education better or anything else that most people care about, all he has left is the old Republican stand by - hate and fear.