Harry Reid is fierce, and never more fierce than when he's on the Senate floor taking on his rival Mitch McConnell.
He took to the Senate floor today to slam McConnell for his endorsement of Donald Trump. Noting that Trump was on Capitol Hill to meet with Speaker Paul Ryan and Leader McConnell, Reid said that "it was just the latest sign that Republican leaders are marching in lockstep with Donald Trump."
"Donald Trump is everything the Republican Party could ever want in a nomination," Reid continued.
Zeroing in on Trump's attitudes toward women, he said, "Since Senator McConnell so enthusiastically endorsed Trump, we can only assume that he agrees with Trump's view that women are dogs and pigs."
He continued, "We can only assume that the Republican leader is not repulsed by Trump's vulgar behavior towards women."
On immigration, Reid said, "I assume they can have a long discussion about the wall. How high it should be, how they're going to get the Mexicans to pay for the wall, even though most people think the idea is insane."
"Let's not forget, Republicans have demagogued Latino immigrants for decades."
The beauty of this speech is the way Reid quite clearly defines the entire Republican Party with the worst things Trump himself has said. That would only work if it's true.
The real point of Reid's speech was simple: Trump merely articulates what Republicans actually say behind closed doors. The only difference between mainstream Republicans and Donald Trump is the latter's willingness to speak the words in public.