How did you feel about the season finale and season 6 of The Walking Dead? I make my feelings known.
Did You Like Season 6 Of The Walking Dead?
April 3, 2016

(**I used to write recaps of The Walking Dead, but because of the political season, I didn't have the time. I still watched, though.)

I was not that crazy about most of season 6 of TWD, which started in October, 2015 and just concluded Sunday night. There were many decisions that Rick and members of the group made that made absolutely no sense at all.


I won't recap the entire season - just a few incidents though.

It became boring constantly watching Morgan refuse to kill people that wanted to kill everyone in Alexandria. I think everybody knew that in the end he would be forced to kill to save my favorite character, Carol. And so it did.

Why would Rick and the group decide it was a great idea to raid Negan's compound and massacre every person there while they slept before they knew really anything about Negan and his Saviors? I know they needed supplies, but it still illogical.

Even if Rick was high on thinking he was a GOD, why did everybody immediately agree to do this heinous act? They turned into something close to the Governor - and they deserved the outcome that took place in the finale. As a matter of fact, they got off easy.

Hello, Lucille.

Why would Carol, suddenly, out of the blue, start to have anxiety attacks about killing "people?" (I'm not using the comics as a reference point.) Scott Gimple, the new showrunner could have slowly introduced her feelings and how they affected her throughout the season without losing a beat, but to suddenly see her cower at the thought of pulling the trigger was detrimental to her character and the story arc of the season.

And why the insertion of a weird boyfriend?

Staying with Carol, why then would she flee the safety of the compound because she didn't want to kill anymore humans? It was ridiculous. The psychological fallout to her "family" is monumental and if anyone earned to just stay in the kitchen and bake acorn and beet cookies, it was her.

Not enough screen time for Michonne or Daryl, for the entire season. Why is that a-hole Father Gabriel still breathing?

And WTF with the Glenn fake out death?

The finale was overlong and redundant. I do love Jeffrey Dean Morgan as an actor, but his monologue was also too long and not as scary as it should have been.

Oh, and who was riding horses and wearing hockey pads?

My pick for the dead cast member is Sgt. Abraham Ford

I guess you know my vote.

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