Pat Roberson shared his thoughts on President Obama's socialist agenda and the future of undocumented immigrants.
April 19, 2016

Pat Robertson, former Baptist Minister, had no kind words to say about Obama's legacy and immigration, as you might expect.

Let's start with the President's authority to push for legislation. When Republican's push for silly bathroom laws or prevent Supreme Court justices from being given confirmation hearings, it is called "listening to the people" but when President Obama does his actual job and enacts laws, he is a "socialist." When he uses executive orders, he's a "dictator."

"[Obama's] socialist agenda that he has been advocating is coming to an end, so he wants to ensure that as many of his initiates get put into place before his Republican opponents have a chance to take them away ...something in Washington that gets fixed in place, they hire people, the laws get set and then it is awfully hard to take em away..."

On undocumented immigrants messing up Republican plans' for voter ID laws:

"We are talking about millions and millions of people being kept in this county illegally, added to the voter rolls, getting driver licenses, some getting welfare...he doesn't care...this will shift the balance, most of these new immigrants from South America, will be counted on to vote Democrat, that is what these people want. they want to load the voter rolls...these people who can't speak very good English very well but they can be talked into voting for the candidate this party wants...that's the game"

Lovely sentiments from a former minister. Oh, wait, he is a Conservative Christian. And a bigot.

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