January 27, 2016

It's a great day for America and law and order. The militant uprising at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge has come to a relatively violent end. The conflict was over a settled matter in law and it was dragged on for almost four weeks, which finally came to a conclusion last night, for the most part.

Supporters on the hypocritical right-wing were incensed, none more than Nevada's Congressional hopeful and pin-up gun calendar gal, Michele Fiore. She's been part of the Bundy Bunch fan club since April, 2014 and has continued to pledge her support to this contrived cause of free-dumb and liberty.

When Finicum, who was not killed by Federal Law Enforcement with his 'hands up,' suffered his well-deserved demise, Fiore and the Teabagging posse went ballistic on social media.

Of course Fiore doesn't bother with the details or facts of Finicum's death before sending out a tweet, what else would you expect from a Tea Party 'Patriot?'

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