Given Enough Time, All This Is Gonna Work Itself Out
Vincent SmithCredit: Facebook
January 14, 2016

Okay, it happened in Texas and I really don’t even know where to start.

A group of guys were organizing to go to Oregon to be with their Freedom brothers, then a semi-bad thing happened.

It was first announced via radio —

“Dear friends it’s my dearest regrets to have to share this heart breaking new (sic) with you tonight. That OUR fellow patriot and brother Charles Carter is no longer with us. He gone to be with Jesus. Today killed by a fellow patriot Vincent Smith. Who was suppose (sic) to be his brother in arms and friend,” posted online radio host Keith Williams, who described himself as the victim’s next of kin.

Bill Williamson, another right-wing “patriot” associated with the Oregon militants, said in a Facebook post that Smith shot Carter in a drunken dispute over a gun.

They are still sorting it all out, but … here’s where they are at now.

Williamson said Smith called him a short time later to say that U.S. Marshals had agreed the fatal shooting was self-defense.

A member of the 3% Idaho militia group, which showed up late last week at the ongoing occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, paid tribute to his friend but said Carter “violated one of the first rules of firarms (sic) safety.”

“NEVER mix guns & booze,” said the militia member, who calls himself Joe Bleaugh

Or dumb and booze, for that matter. Or guns and dumb. Or just quit mixing crap, okay?

Get it? Joe Bleaugh?

Bubba Hank II says that the federal officials should deliver a case of Jack Daniels to the Oregon Boys and by tomorrow afternoon at 3:30, it will all be over.

Crossposted at

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