You knew this was gonna happen. They have a funeral for the Oregon militia guy killed by law enforcement, and I’ll be damned, there’s a gun involved.
Two days after a funeral for Robert “LaVoy” Finicum attracted men bearing the symbols of well-known militias, a maid working Sunday morning at Kanab’s Holiday Inn Express discovered a shattered mirror where a bullet had been fired through a wall.The shot was not heard by nearby guests or staff and lodged in a headboard, Kanab Police Chief Tom Cram said.
Now here’s the miracle part.
Police Chief Tom Cram investigated. The two men who checked in those rooms were both openly carrying firearms. Hold your breath now …
“It was kind of suspicious to us in the fact that everybody claims to not be in the room when it happened,” Cram said.
Ya think?
Well, if Jesus can turn water into wine, surely he can cause an accidental discharge.