December 21, 2015

I wrote a lot Bret Baier's interview with Ted Cruz last week, but it still deserves to be discussed since Cruz came out with an anti-immigration ad to try and cover up his previous support for immigration reform.

Charles Krauthammer, usually voted one of the top conservative commentators by the right, is surprised by Cruz' refusal to admit his past stance.

Krauthammer: ...he, at the time said he was in favor of a compromise that would take the eleven million out of the shadows and give them legal status. I'm not sure why he's doubled down on on denying what you can demonstrate with pieces of tape. Perhaps he sees that it's worked for other candidates...

Cruz figures correctly that since he's the preferred choice of Limbaugh and other AM radio hate talkers, he has nothing to lose by denying his previous stance on immigration, but in a general election that won't hold up to scrutiny. Even if he had modified his position, the talkers would have still sided with him, even as they bashed Marco Rubio's link to the Gang of Eight.

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