After Ben Ginsberg's letter of demands that was issued to the networks as a result of the Republican presidential candidates having their fee fees hurt on CNBC, Megyn Kelly openly mocked them for their ridiculousness.
Kelly: So now they're banding together to try and get the networks to make sure, you tell the audience, Chris. How hot do they want the debate hall?
Stirewalt: 67 degrees
Kelly: That needs to be in a contract. They want all the candidates to receive similarly substantive questions, no so called lightening rounds of questioning. Approval of any onscreen graphics aired during the debate. Oh, yea, that's going to happen. The networks should commit that they will not ask hand raised questions, yes or no questions, allow candidate to candidate questions. And then maybe, like a foot massage or like a little (she rubs her neck)
Stirewalt: No brown M&M's...
The GOP whiners are making fools of themselves now and let's face it, when you've lost Megyn Kelly.....