Charles Krauthammer, one of Fox News' most popular Conservative pundits, railed against the GOP candidates that are trying to take over the debates. He's been very upset at how badly all of the House Republican Committee hearings have turned out for the GOP and he sees a new disaster about to happen. He feels confident that the perception is that CNBC was just so unpleasant to the Republican candidates, that they've won this round of media punching, so don't overstep your victory.
Charles: The Republican candidates should quit while they're ahead. ..The debate about the debate" is over, and the GOP won. The GOP won and actually came out of the debate looking good as a group. "At this point, I think, to continue to beat the horse is kind of pointless
After looking like schmucks for so long, Charles wants them to take this win to the bank. But you know they won't do that. Even though some candidates won't sign on to the new letter Ben Ginsberg authored, they will still complain about gotcha questions with Ben Carson's camp leading the way.