The man who received a free education which enabled him to become a brain surgeon before he decided to be The Most Whacko Politician of 2016 (with Donald Trump nipping at his heels) wants us all to know that getting a free education could spell the downfall of the United States.
The remarks, made at Liberty University in Virginia, seemed to be a swipe at Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, who has said that higher education should be funded by states and the federal government, according to The Hill. Carson said doing so would lead to “the destruction of the nation.”
The model is currently in practice in other highly-developed countries that have yet to be destroyed, like Germany and Finland.
Carson, who believes that the Egyptian pyramids were built by the biblical figure Joseph, cautioned against being ill-informed without addressing the role higher education plays in informing.
“It becomes easy to swallow things,” the retired neurosurgeon told the audience. “If you don’t understand our financial situation and someone comes along and says, ‘free college for everybody,’ they’ll say, ‘oh how wonderful,’ and have no idea they’re talking about hastening the destruction of the nation.”
Ben Carson may lead to the destruction of the nation, but he's just one guy. Educating our young people will not be That Thing which destroys our nation. Trust me on that.