Surviving Below The Surface
October 19, 2015

The Sun (ego, identity) will move its healing light from relatable Libra and social connections on Friday October 23, to shine more intensely into the black waters of Scorpio and private affairs. As Sun transits transformative Scorpio during the next four weeks, what has remained in the dark and mysteriously private – will pique a quiet intrigue for secrets, the unknown and investigative digging. With Pluto (Scorpio’s ruler) in Capricorn, there are some extremely stormy seas beneath calm surfaces; and this can lead toward bottomless cracks.

The first thing you ought to do when you find yourself in a hole is quit digging…. instead they are looking for a bigger shovel. Bill Clinton

Curious interests could lead us obessively through inner sewages of shipwrecked skeletons – or a buried treasure in this weekend’s Venus/Pluto/Jupiter aspects in earthy Virgo. Whether we gain a greater awareness or a complicated worry from what we dig up – creating order for better priorities will be on the agenda next with Mars in Virgo. For more info about the author or for a personalized consult, click here.

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