Glenn Beck Apologizes For Calling Sarah Palin A Clown
September 12, 2015

Awwww, someone get Glenn Beck some Vicks for his tears over how mean he was to Sarah Palin.

Okay, no, not really. HE's sorry for calling her a clown but not sorry about anything else he said because she dumped him for other wingnuts long ago.

Last night, Beck sought to make amends, writing an absurdly long piece on Facebook apologizing for having called her a clown and explaining the source of their strained relationship, while also defending his position that her support for Donald Trump makes no sense:

Oh, and the apology is so rich too:

We all have bad days and bad moments.

Today was one of mine.

I stand by all of my comments on Sarah Palin EXCEPT when I called her a clown. It was unkind, childish and wrong of me to name call.

What I should have said is this:

I don't know what she really believes. I don't think she is who I thought she was and haven't for sometime.

When I saw her interview Donald Trump on her tv show I was stunned. Not that she interviewed him, but that she agreed with him and backs him.

I have seen her speak many times about many topics and I just don't understand her. But I am sure she doesn't agree or understand me often as well.

I haven't had a relationship with Sarah since about the time of the shooting of Gabby Giffords. Nothing to do with that at all, but it was around that time that she withdrew from me and my team and it was because, as Todd told me on the phone, "we have been told who our real friends are." I was stunned. I had backed her hard in every way I knew how. At that time I really believed in her and in fact I really believed she had the ability to change the world for the better.

While I have reached out since we have not spoken in an any meaningful way since.

I don't know what they were told or by whom, but I can guess as it most likely was the same person that tried to drive a stake through my relationship with mark Levin and Sean Hannity and did for several years.

Thank God, I finally reached out to them, because I had been "told" things about them and they were the same lies that they were told about me.

Celebrity, fame and TV/radio are poison to humans I believe. At least it has been to me. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

It goes on and on about how someone tried to poison Sean Hannity and Mark Levin against him, but he reached out to them, blah blah blah. Classic stream of consciousness Glenn Beck blather.

Ordinarily I wouldn't care, but it's interesting to me to see how these different wingers align with their sugar daddies. Mark Levin is cared for by Texas oil billionaires. Who's feeding Glenn Beck?

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