January 21, 2016

After perennially-wrong Glenn Beck endorsed Ted Cruz, he went on a rant about his former girlfriend Sarah Palin's endorsement of Donald Trump. Hilarity ensued.

Beck returned to the topic on his radio program today during a discussion of Sarah Palin's endorsement of Trump yesterday, declaring that Trump is psychopath who is truly "dangerous" ... just like Barack Obama.

"This is not the first time I've heard" people warn that Trump is a psychopath, Beck declared. "This guy, I believe, is dangerous. I believe he is dangerous."

"And I said this about Barack Obama and so far I have been wrong," he added, sarcastically.

Verizon FiOS started carrying Blaze TV a couple of months back, so this guy actually has a cable audience now. It's so amusing to watch a psychopath diagnose other psychopaths, isn't it?

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