August 30, 2015

There is nothing that is too extremist for Scott Walker to say, if he thinks that it would in some remote way help his campaign.

One of the latest examples is when Walker appeared on Meet the Press with Chuckles the Toadie and said that he thinks that putting up a 5,525 mile long fence along the Canadian-US border is worth reviewing.

From the Boston Herald:

The Wisconsin governor was asked whether he wanted to build a wall on the northern border, too, during an interview Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Walker says law enforcement officials in New Hampshire brought up the topic of building a wall along the U.S.-Canadian border during a recent town hall meeting. He says they raised some legitimate concerns, so it's a "legitimate issue for us to look at."

Walker's probably concerned about those radical Moose-lim terrorists coming across the border armed with socialized health care and will make us all speak French.

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