UPDATED: Reporter, Cameraman Killed In VA Shooting
August 26, 2015

UPDATE: Gov. McAuliffe says the shooter is believed to be a "disgruntled employee" of @WDBJ7. How fortunate he had easy access to guns to settle the score, amirite?

UPDATE: WDBJ cameraman Adam Ward's fiancé Melissa Ott was in the control room and saw the shooting happen live. Oh, is it too soon to talk about this? It happens so often, seems like it's always "too soon"!

UPDATE: The station reports that reporter Alison Parker and photographer Adam Ward were killed. The gunman is still at large.

Via Mashable:

Police are searching for a man who fired shots during a live TV broadcast outside of Roanoke, Virginia on Wednesday morning, injuring three people.

Virginia news channel WDBJ7 confirmed that the shooting "happened during a WDBJ7 live report" and said the station was still "trying to figure out what happened."

A reporter was interviewing a woman at Bridgewater Plaza near Smith Mountain Lake, a reservoir community about 50 miles southeast of Roanoke, when a half dozen shots broke out.

Viewers heard screams and "Oh my God!" before it cut back to a visibly disturbed anchor in the newsroom, who said, "OK not sure what happened there. We will of course let you know as soon as we find out what those sounds were."

The station reported on its website that law enforcement arrived at the scene and is working to piece together what happened. A woman who answered the phone at WDBJ7's Roanoke newsroom told Mashable: "We aren't releasing any information until we hear from the police."

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