Sarah Palin's Derp: Rachel Dolezal, Race, And Trolling
Credit: Gage Skidmore
June 15, 2015

Things you can count on from Sarah Palin: She will always open her yap (or her keyboard) to utter something completely meaningless but totally racist, she's as dumb as a rock, and if she can slam "the libs" with something, well, then so much the better.

Rachel Dolezal's story is tailor-made for Palin. Family drama, intrigue, and a story of deception that leaves most of us shaking our heads and wondering exactly why on earth this is all blowing out right now.

Being the derp that she is, Palin took to her Facebook soapbox for a moment of derpy hope for love from all her derpy admirers.

Ok, I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh... this hard. I know this isn't a victimless crime, what this white chick perpetrated. But it's a most crystal clear picture of so many screwed up things we've let society adopt as the norm. Namely, the practice nowadays of judging someone not based on character, but on skin color. Our original civil rights freedom fighters are rolling in their graves over the backward steps we've taken lately. It's politically incorrect to call out Elizabeth Warren for falsely claiming she's American Indian, or dinging Obama for just making up his former multi-ethnic girlfriend, and I guarantee I'll be branded a racist for laughing at this Rachel Dolezal story. Whatever.

I see what you did there, Sarah Palin. Made it all about you, while taking a few moments to continue spreading lies about Elizabeth Warren and President Obama. Of course you shouldn't laugh, but you will. And you're not in the least sorry, so quit lying and saying you are.

Dolezal is an unsatisfied lily white leftist who believes the only thing less politically correct than being a white girl is to be a white guy today.


Can't help but be preemptively amused as I post this and invite Dolzel's defenders wrath to aim and miss at we who won't put up with political correctness destroying truth in America. Oh, and on a personal note, I can finally look forward to the Left's positive comments about a scholar's association with college in Idaho! After all that high-falutin' criticism for choosing a good school that I could afford to attend while working my way through, graduating college debt-free, I can't wait to hear the former mockers of Idaho now defend the integrity of that great state's academia!

Uhhhh, okay. Doesn't take much to "pre-emptively amuse" an empty-headed mean girl like you, Sarah.

Go Vandals!

There's a catchy mascot for ya.

I really don't know all the dynamics at play here with regard to Dolezal. But the NAACP has already said it doesn't really matter if she's black or white when it comes to her job. And the rest seems to be between her and her family, and it seems really ugly. Sort of like people speculating about who is the real Trig mommy -- Bristol or Sarah? Or whether it exhibits good parenting skills to leave your Down's Syndrome child in the car while you and your kids and husband tie on a good one and go around getting in fistfights with the neighbors.

Sarah Palin, your glass house is crumbling before anyone has a chance to toss rocks at it.

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