April 17, 2022

The passing of Rep. Don Young from Alaska has opened up the seat to a wide array of candidates — 48 so far, including Sarah Palin.

David Siders reports in Politico that in Palin's hometown of Wasilla, there's not much Palin Fever, as a big banner once read.

Might that be because of the way she quit being Alaska's governor midway through her term?

When Palin did quit in 2009, Fox News ran a poll asking their viewers what job would be best for her.

About a third of Americans think the best job for Palin is homemaker (32 percent), while nearly one in five see her as a television talk show host (17 percent). Vice president of the United States comes in third (14 percent), followed closely by college professor (10 percent), with president coming last (6 percent).


Al Allen, who voted for Palin in 2006, said “she was more interested in being a reality TV star than serving Alaskans.”

Palin's quitting really upset her Fox News stalker, Greta Van Susteren.

And then there's that Masked Singer appearance.

Whatever it is, Sarah Palin is not a shoo-in any longer.

Jay Ramras, a former Republican state lawmaker, told the Politico reporter, "Don’t beat up on Sarah Palin,” before admitting, “She’s perceived a little bit as a carpetbagger in her home state.”

Palin still has a chance to win, because it is Alaska, and she's still considered a Republican celebrity of sorts.

Pat Dougherty, the former longtime editor of Anchorage Daily News, shared his thoughts.

“I just think Sarah these days is not a person to be taken seriously, and I think she’s desperate for the attention she once had,” Pat Dougherty

“I wouldn’t bet the ranch that she can’t get elected,” he said. “But it just doesn’t feel like it’s in the cards.”

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