June 14, 2015

Howard Kurtz was really miffed by Hillary Clinton's announcement speech on Saturday because she dared to support a plethora of liberal policies even though they are standard left wing ideals. And his other beef was with the media because they failed to attack her sufficiently enough for his liking. My God, how Rupert's gold really warped this man.

To join him on his panel were two anti-Hillary fire breathers (Rick Lowry, Julie Roginski) and a news deputy from Yahoo. No bias there, right Howard? He's not even bothering to make an attempt at being a neutral observer anymore.

Kurtz: Does the coverage reflect what an aggressively liberal policy speech this was?

Why must Hillary be attacked for adopting these principles? The NRO's Rich Lowry thought that she got much more criticism from the media over her stinky email and Clinton Foundation scandals.

Lowry: The more hostile coverage she has gotten is of the email scandals and of the Foundation scandal, all of which stink to the high heaven and reporters have been quite skeptical over it because you've have to be an idiot to believe the Clinton narrative.

Then Kurtz analyzed her speech as a progressive laundry list and he was miffed because he felt that if a Republican gave a conservative speech listing their principles, the media would have been all over them for it because.... they would be attacking their freedoms.

Kurtz: Julie, this was sort of a laundry list speech as I watched her check off all the boxes of the progressive agenda. If a Republican had given a speech as conservative as this was liberal, I think the coverage would have focused on that and instead the coverage was sort of like, yea she said a bunch of liberal things.

What freaking planet is Howard living on? Has he listened to the the litany of far right conservative boilerplate talking points and insane ideas coming from the Republican Clown Car so far?

Roginski's great analysis was that Hillary's speech was poll tested which incited Kurtz to mock progressive ideas completely.

Kurtz: ...is that why she went through, you know, a shout out to the women, a shout out to the gay people, (sure) and there was climate change.

Yea, those damn gay people. I didn't know these were controversial topics for Democrats. As Rosinsky said these topics weren't surprising for a candidate, Howard exposed his inner most republicanism by becoming famished because Hillary discussed more popular democratic issues - instead of talking about deporting children of illegals, bombing Iran and ignoring Supreme Court rulings on gay marriage. How dare she!

Kurtz: Maybe I was out there in the sun too long, but when she got down to the level of pre-K and paid sick leave, it did seem like a SOTU where a committee decided that every single thing had to be mentioned.

The media and Republicans have been demanding that Hillary Clinton speak out on the issues and when she does it's just too much for Kurtz.

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