Glenn Beck joined Don Lemon for some comfort and conversation about political correctness Tuesday evening. Apparently Lemon is chagrined over the heat he's received for treating an idea that President Obama should apologize for slavery seriously.
CNN's embed doesn't include the introduction where Lemon complains about mean people online, but the full video is available at Mediaite:
CNN’s Don Lemon appeared on Glenn Beck‘s radio show earlier this week, so Beck returned the favor by appearing with Lemon on CNN tonight, and they bonded over being targets of online political correctness.
Beck complimented Lemon for not being an “ideologue” and they discussed the Confederate flag before getting around to the n-word.
Beck said he’s uncomfortable with the word, while lamenting how the PC culture has started to “ban ideas.” “Political correctness,” he said, “is keeping me from talking to you and you from talking to me because some of your viewers won’t like it.”
Lemon brought up how he’s been getting crap online because he had on a guest who said President Obama should apologize on behalf of the U.S. for slavery, while Beck bemoaned how a Miami Herald columnist distorted his commentary on Charleston.
Neither one of these two seems to understand that it's not a question of political correctness.
Protip for Don Lemon: Anyone who submits an idea for consideration like that one should expect a ton of criticism for it. As I said before and will keep saying, the fact that something might be provocative doesn't mean it's something anyone should actually consider doing.
It's mind-boggling to me that Lemon can't see what an awful idea that is, but even more mind-boggling to run to the arms of Glenn Beck for comfort. Whatever floats his boat, I guess.