CNN's Fareed Zakaria spoke plainly about Trump and the skillset he brings to the presidency. Hard to argue with any of this, or that Trump is degrading the office. Noteworthy that CNN didn't censor it as shown, only bleeping on later broadcast.
Source: CNN
Fareed Zakaria ripped into President Donald Trump on Friday, accusing him of "bulls**tting" his way to the presidency.
Asked about whether he thought Trump actually believed he was wiretapped, Zakaria contended that Trump's success is based on a lifetime of falsehoods."He has spent his whole life bulls**tting," Zakaria said. "He has succeeded by bulls**tting. He has gotten the presidency by bulls**tting. It's very hard to tell somebody at that point that bulls**t doesn't work. Because look at the results. He sees something, he doesn't particularly care if it's true or not, he just put it out there."