March 10, 2015

After first showing some of the coverage of the this weekend's 50th anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march from Selma to Montgomery Alabama, poking a bit of fun at them not doing something about the podium height when Rep. John Lewis was speaking and pretending to try not to get choked up after showing a short portion of President Obama's really amazing speech he gave there, Jon Stewart moved onto the media coverage of the event which was, to put it mildly, not quite so inspiring as those speeches.

Jon Stewart rips Fox’s Selma coverage: The ‘white conservative victimization’ angle was ‘amazing’:

“Could Fox take this commemoration of courageous civil rights marchers and somehow turn it into white conservative victimization?” he asked.

He was not disappointed, as the conservative network pushed an accusation that the New York Times cropped former President George W. Bush out of a picture of a commemorative march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma.

“You are amazing,” he gushed after a round of mock applause. “For me, it’s kind of readily apparent when you see the two photos side-by-side that the New York Times has a distinct bias against sh*tty pictures.”

While Fox was making a white person the focus of an event honoring the Civil Rights Movement, Stewart observed, CNN was droning on about its use of a drone over the bridge, constantly congratulating itself as if flying it was the real struggle.

“I have a drone — that a news channel would be judged not by the content of its content, but by the uselessness of its gizmos,” he said, adding, “I promise you, everyone would be fine with your CNN technology if you would just shut the f*ck up about it.”

However, Stewart did note one key difference between the two networks.

“CNN may have flying robot cameras, but Fox has drones,” he said.

Drones are one of the nicer things you could call the residents of Bullshit Mountain.

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