January 14, 2015

Any writer who covered the 2012 Presidential Election probably has a plethora of material to unearth if the Mormon Candidate, Willard Romney (or RMoney, depending on who's holding the letters) decides to run again. It's hard to imagine the degree of arrogance and hubris that goes with thinking that you are the savior of America, the anointed one to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy. I'm struck by the audacity one must possess to actually believe the third time's the charm.

Never mind what Ann "It's our turn" Romney said about not running, Willard has been on the phone talking to GOP heavy-hitters A LOT lately.

One longtime adviser who has spoken to Romney in the last few days told Fox News it is "very likely" the 2012 Republican presidential nominee will announce a 2016 campaign for president in the next three to four weeks.

Fred Malek, the self-made billionaire who serves as finance chairman for the Republican Governors Association, said Tuesday he believes both Romney and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will seek the GOP nomination next year.

The fact that Willard is a devoted member of the LDS cult is very important. A candidate's religious beliefs matter and they matter a whole lot. In case you're wondering how honest Willard is, don't forget the Mormon tenet of "Lying for the Lord." There's also a close tie between the Rapture crowd of Dominionists and Willard Romney. In case he's not white enough for the GOP, don't worry, the LDS church has a rich history of being racist.

I could go on ad nauseum, but I imagine the title of this article has already caused some abdominal distension. Thanks to @Yanquetino for his work on the LDS cult.

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