January 5, 2015

Joining Steve Doocy this morning was Peter Flaherty from the National Legal and Policy Center-NLPC. The NLPC is a right wing organization that represents big corporations and their fight against government overreach, big government and corruption, which is neo-con speak for Democrats. Flaherty asserts that companies who don't want negative attention over matters of racial discrimination need only to pay Sharpton off to keep him quiet. This statement has more tortuous logic than Louis Gohmert's asparagus aspersions.

He tried to invoke Fox News viewers' sympathy for poor, suffering companies like Macys, McDonalds or Walmart, especially Walmart (which he mentioned a half dozen times) who donate to Al Sharpton's causes. Since these big corporations have paid money to Al Sharpton's National Action Network, they can no longer do so after the cop murders. Apparently, Al Sharpton incited a lone gunman to shoot two NYPD officers after shooting his girlfriend earlier that day in Maryland.

Flaherty explains how Sharpton operates:

"You put up a few pickets, you call racism and the companies come through."

The NLPC claims their BFFs at Walmart can no longer associate with the likes of the civil rights leader.

As you know, Walmart has helped bankroll Sharpton for years. Most recently, the company was a sponsor of Sharpton's 60th birthday party in New York City, which reportedly was a fundraiser for NAN that raised a million dollars.

We have repeatedly raised the issue of your support for Sharpton, including at the Walmart annual meeting. You cannot lay any claim to corporate social responsibility as long as you write checks to Sharpton.

Flaherty's disingenuous claims assert that Walmart and other large companies make Al Sharpton personally more wealthy, and they all do that under duress. Steve Doocy even said that his threats made him $1 million richer on his birthday. The National Action Network is not his own private bank account. The NAN advocates for humanitarian causes like fast food workers getting paid a living wage and cases of race-based injustice (like Brown and Garner). Sharpton's group helps organize peaceful demonstrations that make companies uneasy for two reasons: 1). the bad press and 2). the number of non-white faces involved.

Murdoch's other tabloid, The New York Post has also jumped on the pay-for-Sharpton's-silence bandwagon.

'And Sharpton, who now boasts a close relationship with Obama and Mayor Bill de Blasio, is in a stronger negotiating position than ever.'

Eureka! Now we see the real problem. A black person happened to shoot two NYPD officers. Black people are the enemy. Reverend Al Sharpton, President Obama and Mayor DeBlasio advocate for black people. America's gigantic, tax-dodging, slave-wage-paying corporations cannot associate with the sworn enemies of white conservatives who so graciously make them gobs of money.

Ironically, Walmart is the very same store where you can easily buy a shotgun or a handgun without the very same background checks police departments support. We can never mention the biggest culprit in U.S. homicides is insane gun proliferation because the NRA said so. We are so fortunate Fox News advocates for poor corporate billionaires who are mercilessly bullied by civil rights leaders.

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