Oathkeepers Patrolling Ferguson; Prepared To Use Lethal Force
November 28, 2014

This sounds like a terrorist threat to me. First Amendment rights aren't just white rights. Nor are Second Amendment rights.

“The people of Ferguson have learned a sad and difficult lesson, that there aren’t enough police and National Guard to help police all the homes and businesses,” said Sam Andrews, who organized the Oath Keeper patrols. “When you see a militarized police force and angry citizens who choose to be violent it becomes a very volatile and dangerous situation.”

Andrews, who was carrying a handgun and military-style rifle fitted with a silencer, told Sky News his group was prepared to use lethal force to protect property.

The Oath Keepers are made up of law enforcement officers, firefighters, current and former military, and other first responders who have vowed not to enforce gun laws and others they deem to be unconstitutional – and they urge others to do the same.

They urged volunteers to focus on looters and law-breakers, rather than bullying media and protestors.

“We need officers to put violent criminals in jail, not shoot tear gas and rubber bullets at reporters too ignorant to not shine lights in the officers’ eyes while they are trying to work,” the group said.

Just imagine if the black folks in Ferguson were organizing like this. They'd be in jail so fast your head would spin.

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