November 11, 2014

Morning Joe's Joe Scarborough was back at it again this Tuesday, blaming President Obama for not cleaning up George W. Bush's mess in the Middle East quickly enough to suit him and banging the war drums for the U.S. to intervene more than we have already to try to stop the rise of ISIS, and of course, finding another excuse to call the President of the United States "weak."

Morning Joe on Obama: ‘We’re Paying A Terrible Price’ for His Weak Response to ISIS:

After hearing Richard Engel report on ISIS’s attempt to take over Kobani, a Kurdish town on the border between Syria and Turkey, Joe Scarborough led the panel in wondering where the hell Obama — and, by extension, America — was on the issue.

“I keep wondering if it won’t show in history: George W. Bush went too far, too excessive, too prepared to use force and Barack Obama overcorrected and we’re paying a terrible price for it now,” Scarborough said in a warmup speech that referenced at least four ex-Presidents. “If he does not change, if he does not do what every other president does, what Bill Clinton did, what F.D.R. did, what Ronald Reagan did, George W. Bush did, and learn from his past mistakes — if he stays isolated in a bubble — there will be a tremendous price for America to pay. I’m not saying to go invade the Middle East. I’m saying to get out of your defensive crouch and get out of your bubble and figure out what’s going on here and start connecting the dots.”

Joe Scarborough Says Obama's Response To ISIS Is 'Frightening As Hell':

The "Morning Joe" co-host, who acknowledged that he doesn't usually talk about presidents in this way, advised Obama to "get out of your bubble" and establish a plan of action or there will be "a tremendous price for America to pay."

"It's frightening as hell," he said. "And if I had met one ambassador across the world -- if I had met one world leader across the world -- that wasn't scared as hell at how the United States is responding to this threat, I wouldn't be speaking this way."

Scarborough, however, said that the feeling of fear is consistent worldwide.

"I am hearing this from around the globe," he continued. "This is really, really bad, and America’s response is scaring the hell out of the world."

Sure you wouldn't Joe.


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