Dinesh D'Souza must not be enjoying his time away from home in his new community prison or something, because his latest is so bizarre it's possible he was on drugs when he came up with it.
In a Facebook post, D'Souza asked, "Which is a more dangerous infection: #Ebola, or the dreams from his father?" The latest outbreak of Ebola has killed more than 3,400 people in four West African countries and has spread to Europe and the United States.
Um, ok. What does a killer virus have to do with Obama and his father anyway?
According to D'Souza, Obama is punishing America in retaliation for slights against his father's family in the colonial era. The book featured a number of false or misleading claims. Evidence for his premise that Obama is consumed by anti-colonialism include the scheduled return of a bust of Winston Churchill to the British following Obama's election, that Obama repeatedly referred to "British Petroleum" in a speech criticizing the company following the 2010 oil spill (he didn't), and Obama's decision to go by "Barack" instead of "Barry," which D'Souza claimed was because "he self-consciously rejected his father's American name in favor of the senior Obama's African identity" (in the article that D'Souza cited for this claim, Obama said the decision "was not some assertion of my African roots").
I'm still not quite sure what that has to do with Ebola. It seems more like any excuse D'Idjut can figure out to slam the president. Because that's what he does.