No, Was Not Hacked
September 5, 2014

In usual right-wing hysterical fashion, the placement of malware on a test server not connected to the live system is being spun as a terrible, awful hack that puts everyone at risk.

Please spare me. What happened is far more generic than that. A test server which was not connected to any servers with data or access to data was breached and malware placed on it to launch a Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDOS) on other sites.

But facts are irrelevant when you're trying to build a narrative. Sometimes I really hate the Internet and how willingly it accepts bullshit as fact.

The original headline on this POLITICO article was " hacked, consumer information not breached."

That morphed into headlines like this:

  • Hack Reminiscent of Earlier Vermont Exchange Attack (National Review)
  • Issa says HHS official 'must testify' after ObamaCare website hacked (Fox News)
  • So, was hacked (HotAir)
  • WSJ: Healthcare.Gov Hacked in July; Networks Fail to Cover (NewsBusters)
  • Hacker Breached Insurance Site (Wall Street Journal)

Cue hysteria. Cue more House Oversight Committee hearings. Cue right-wing outrage.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will continue to live in reality.

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