June 24, 2016

It's getting to the point that Donald Trump will say anything, no matter how big a lie it is so he can smear his opponents, which in this case is the Democratic presumptive nominee.

The media has to start calling him out more forcefully instead of just quizzing him on where he's getting his information because it's really embarrassing covering this election now.

Case in point. Trump joined NBC's Nightly News with Lester Holt and made up more crap in less time than is almost humanly possible.

Speaking from a teleprompter during a speech he gave on Wednesday, he said "“He (Chris Stevens) was left helpless to die as Hillary Clinton soundly slept in her bed.”

NBC's Lester Holt told him that she had testified to the committee that she "wasn't asleep" and the attack happened "during daytime," but Trump shot right back..

TRUMP: And she was asleep at the wheel. Whether she was sleeping or not, who knows if she was sleeping --

HOLT: Well, you said --

TRUMP: --she might have been --

HOLT :--she was sleeping.

TRUMP: --sleeping. She might have been sleeping. Why? Because she put out a tweet? Somebody said she put out a tweet, therefore she wasn't sleeping. Nobody else could put out a tweet? So --

HOLT: So you stand by --

TRUMP:-- I don't know --

HOLT: --what you said?

TRUMP: --I can tell you this. Whether she was sleeping or not, and she might have been sleeping, it was a disaster. It was a horrific disaster, and it was on her watch.

Trump's responses are beyond ridiculous for a presidential candidate of any party.

Donald then told the anchor of NBC News Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's server was hacked!

This no evidence at all that this ever happened, but that didn't stop him from lying to Lester Holt about it.

HOLT: You also made the claim that her e-mail -- personal e-mail server had been hacked probably by foreign governments, suggesting that--

[TRUMP SPEECH VIDEO: Her server was easily hacked by foreign governments.]

TRUMP: Well, you don't know that --

HOLT: --suggesting that as president --

TRUMP: --it hasn't been --

HOLT:--well, wait a minute – but -- suggesting that she would be compromised as president. What evidence do you have?

TRUMP: Well first of all, she shouldn't have had a personal server, okay? She shouldn't have had it. It's illegal. What she did is illegal. Now she might not be judged that way because, you know, we have a rigged system. But what she did is illegal. She shouldn't have had a personal server.

HOLT: But is there any evidence that it was hacked other than routine fishing--

TRUMP: I think I read that --

HOLT: --attacks?

DONALD TRUMP:--and I heard it, and somebody—

HOLT: Where?

TRUMP: --that also gave me that information. I will report back to you. I'll give it to you.

HOLT: But you just said it with such certainty yesterday.

TRUMP:--I don't know if certainty. I-- probably she was hacked. You know, a lot -- you can be hacked and not know it, but she probably was hacked. The fact is she should not have it, she should not have had a personal server.

The Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election is going on national television and smearing his rival with pure gibberish, saying he thought he "read it" or "heard it from somewhere."

This is beyond belief. He'd be laughed out of any NYC schoolyard or local bar trying to pass off nonsensical garbage like that.

Lester Holt pushed back on his information and made him somewhat foolish, but we are at the breaking point now. It will not make him stop.

The media must stop playing his game because when he says he "heard it somewhere," the media is aiding and a betting a fraud.

Using talking points he made up in the bathroom or using discredited source material is no longer acceptable.

Holt needs to say "stop right there. If you have no real evidence then what you are saying is not credible and this interview is over. We are not here to act like another National Enquirer and we refuse to do so.

If Bernie was the nominee Trump would be saying he heard how much Sanders loved Stalin and wanted to model America after him.

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