September 28, 2014

It looks like Fox's Eric Bolling is still sore from Jon Stewart telling him to go f**k himself earlier this week for his "false patriotism," and a segment from earlier this year where he ripped Bolling for attacking food stamp recipients. It seems Bolling still hasn't figured out that every time he picks a fight with a comedian over at Faux "news," he winds up on the losing end of the deal, because he was back at it again this Saturday on one of their so-called "business block" shows, Cashin' In.

Fox’s Bolling Goes After ‘Liberal Posse’ of Stewart, Colbert, and Maher:

Eric Bolling ended today’s Cashin’ In going after the “liberal posse” of Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Bill Maher for going after him whenever he calls out food stamp abuse or “minimum wage rage” on the left.

Bolling argued they have their priorities backwards, because he’s more worried about members of the military getting decent, entry-level salaries. And it really outraged Bolling that fast food workers are demanding a $15/hour minimum wage, when entry-level military salaries are only a little over half that.

Bolling said, “Every time I suggest we spend more money on troops, Colbert, Stewart, and Maher go on the attack… We have our priorities backward, thanks to the Mo, Larry, and Curly of the left.”

I've never seen any of those comedians say that our troops are being paid too much, but they've all had plenty to say about Bolling and Fox's repeated attacks on SNAP recipients and not just Bolling, but everyone at his network calling those who rely on our social safety nets a bunch of lazy moochers who supposedly don't want to work and just live off of the government dole.

It looks like Bolling has to resort to just making stuff up out of whole cloth to get his digs in these days. I'm sure he'll find himself on the losing end of the fight once again if Stewart, Colbert or Maher decide to respond.


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