September 25, 2014

When former Vice President and Dark Lord, Dick Cheney says,

Obama has a world view that is inconsistent with reality,

somehow I don't feel any less safe. When you can make up evidence of weapons of mass destruction that don't exist, you can pretty much contrive any falsity after that. On Sean Hannity, Cheney and his delightful daughter leveled heavy criticism on the military inaccuracies of President Obama's ISIL strategy. The main point of this appearance was to lay blame at the feet of the man who inherited a real sh*tstorm, while disavowing any responsibility for the creation of the latest boogie men, ISIL and/or the Khorasan Group.

He refuses to accept good military advice, says the man who accepted the apology of the man he shot in the face.

Liz erroneously claims, the President "dithered" and some bad elements infiltrated all of the Syrian opposition. She said the president tries to disguise what he calls a strategy, but it's not going to keep us safe. She would know, wouldn't she?

I suppose this is kind of like our security after the CIA released the Bin Laden determined to attack the US memo, like daddy kept us safe. Hannity added, "General Dempsey said virtually none of the Iraqi army is ready for ISIS, none of them." They want boots on the ground, dammit, they both want a war. War is extremely good for Halliburton, after all.

What are other world leaders telling Dick, Hannity asks? This led to the funniest part of the interview, when Cheney said,

I do stay in contact with some world leaders, but I don't usually hang out at the United Nations, I've never been invited.

Right on cue, Hannity added,

I'm not particularly a fan either.

They all agree the Arab nations are a plus to the coalition, but to defeat the Caliphate that's been established in Syria and Iraq, that's not going to put us over the goal line. American "boots on the ground" are the only answer.

With the maximum deference, Hannity baited the chickenhawk:

You could retire, you like to fish, you like to be around the grandkids and your daughters. But I get this sense of urgency...the country will be in jeopardy if we don't change course,

We are less safe, Dick says, because President Obama disavows any good military advice from people in the know, and they just can't figure out why he "does what he does." They claim our Commander in Chief lives in a fantasy world. In addition to intimating that Obama is just nuts, they also portray him as arrogant, and aloof. After six years in office, everyone at Fox, their audience and the Cheneys know how uppity those Obamas are. We are in mortal danger if a Republican doesn't occupy the White House and that's a GOP fact.


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