June 25, 2014

After watching Darth and his sidekick here, you'll understand why Megyn Kelly was allowed to smack Cheney down last week. It was all part of the plan to put him on Hannity's show so he could stir up the Faithful Fearful.

Via Newshounds:

Cheney said:

As we’ve seen this proliferation of terrorist organizations, there’s also the problem of proliferating nuclear capability. We’ve now got the terrorist Taliban organization in Pakistan conducting a big raid on Karachi airport. Why do we care about Pakistan? Well, they have 50-100 nukes. And if you combine the terrorists with the ability to get their hands on a weapon of some kind, then obviously, we’re gonna see a very serious situation.

Hannity just wanted to make sure he understood Cheney – by dialing up the rhetoric. “If we don’t get real about the rise and the march of radical Islam right now… literally we face the potential of a human catastrophe on a scale that we’ve not seen before. Am I reading into that?”

Yes, that’s exactly what Cheney was getting at:

I think that’s an accurate statement. I think that threat will increase dramatically and as - well, we already know, for example, from A. Q. Khan, the man who put together the Pakistan nuclear program and then was under house arrest because he was selling stuff to the Libyans, he has said publicly in the press, a couple of years ago, that the Pakistanis sold nuclear technology to the North Koreans. And we know the North Koreans built a reactor for the Syrians which was taken out by the Israelis back in ’07. So there’s a network developing there where access to that kind of technology obviously becomes increasingly problematic. On top of that, we’ve got Iran trying to build a nuclear program.

Hannity interrupted, once again to make the rhetoric more incendiary: “I see the world the way you do. I view this as a real clear and present danger. Almost the potential for a modern day holocaust that we’ve not seen. Maybe in your grandkids’ lives or my kids’ lives. Pretty scary stuff.”

And yet neither one of these two seem to be lifting a finger to help the situation other than to use it for their own political gain.

Well that, and the oil they hope will line their pockets with some financial gain.

I sure hope Digby is right about sticking a fork in Darth. He should have been done long before now.


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