Ted Cruz joined the "blow shit up chorus" and went bomb crazy on ISIS while speaking at the conservative group Americans For Prosperity's Defending The American Dream Summit in Dallas.
August 31, 2014

I haven't met a war-hawk that doesn't think we can solve all our problems by blowing sh*t up so it was no surprise that Ted Cruz went bomb crazy while speaking at the conservative group Americans For Prosperity's Defending The American Dream Summit in Dallas.

Even though Jon McCain and most everyone else thinks he's a wacko bird, Cruz' foreign policy on the middle east is almost a mirror image of Senator McCain's.

Sen. Ted Cruz rallied the conservative faithful at the Defending the American Dream Summit in Dallas on Saturday, saying that the U.S. should bomb the Islamic State (ISIS) "back to the Stone Age" for beheading American journalist James Foley.

"ISIS says they want to go back and reject modernity," the Texas Republican told 3,000 people at the event, which was sponsored by Americans for Prosperity. "Well, I think we should help them. We ought to bomb them back to the Stone Age."

"ISIS is the face of evil," Cruz said, adding that by executing Foley on Aug. 19, ISIS was "mocking America to the world." He described the group, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, as "monsters."

Got a problem? Drop some bombs. I'm not saying ISIS isn't a problem, but I will say that the war-hawks and warmongers who have been always wrong continue to go on TV and demand we blow shit up.

Atrios: Forever Bombs

It's way above my pay grade to know if any particular episode of bombing the hell out of people manages to achieve some good, but I do know that every episode of bombing the hell out of people ensures that our primary reaction to basically anything "bad" in the world is bombing the hell out of people.

A few hundred million dollars could build a lot of toilets and proper septic systems.

And let's not forget, Senator Ted Cruz was against intervening in Syria because of Benghazzzziiii!

"It would be contrary to the Constitution," Cruz warned. "And listen, this is not the time for politics. This is a grave and serious moment. I would like to support our commander-in-chief. I would like to see our commander-in-chief focused on protecting U.S. national security."

But Cruz added the debate over Syria meant that Congress was not spending enough time going after the Obama administration for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi.

"One of the problems with all of this focus on Syria is its missing the ball from what we should be focused on, which is the grave threat from radical Islamic terrorism," he insisted. "I mean, just this week is the one-year anniversary of the attack on Benghazi. In Benghazi, four Americans were killed, including the the first ambassador since 1979."

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