August 2, 2014

I'm going to keep this review brief and to the point: The plot of GOTG is a bit unoriginal and chaotic with characters being introduced and then forgotten about, but the effects, actors and their characters (along with a nice 3D) jump off the screen with a stylized wit that keeps you glued to the screen and puts a smile on your face.

Depending on where and when you see a film these days influences the price of a ticket, which can easily exceed 22.50, so it's important more than ever to know if a movie is worth you plucking down your hard-earned ducats. Guardians Of The Galaxy is not only worth the price of admission, but you can throw in a large drink, and popcorn (no butter) as well.

A dynamite mix tape filled with 70's and 80's pop hits along with Bradley Cooper's voice that gives life to Rocket Raccoon and a CGI tree thingy named Groot, really keeps the pace of this movie rocking. (The rest of the cast is terrific too.)

Capsule Review: B+

For more about the plot click here.

I saw the movie Friday morning and man is is killing at the box office: Huff Post:

Marvel Studios' cosmic romp starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Dave Bautista as members of an intergalactic band of rebels earned $94 million in its debut weekend, according to studio estimates Sunday. Ahead of its Friday debut, box office analysts initially projected that the comic book adaptation would earn between $60 million and $75 million in North America.

The out-of-this-world launch gives "Guardians" the biggest opening for a film released in the traditionally low-key month of August, a record previously held by the $69.2 million debut of 2007's "The Bourne Ultimatum." It also makes "Guardians" the third largest opening of 2014, coming behind the $95 million inauguration of "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" in April and the $100 million launch of "Transformers: Age of Extinction" in June.

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