The thought of Hillary Clinton running for president is driving the RNC "nuts." So nuts in fact that they've come up with a simply not-brilliant idea. A giant, orange RNC squirrel.
Please don't make me explain it.
The Republican National Committee is pushing back against all the 2016 buzz Hillary Clinton is getting, courtesy of her book tour with their own campaign. It involves a giant squirrel costume. The squirrel was first spotted — like its friend the fox — near the National Mall, wandering around outside a Hillary Clinton event at George Washington University.
It was handing out "Another Clinton in the White House is NUTS" bumper stickers.
How lame is this idea? They don't even have a name for their squirrel, I kid you not.
When a Daily Beast reporter asked the RNC's deputy press secretary about the squirrel, he didn't have much to offer, saying a name for the squirrel was TBD. “I actually don’t know his last name," the press secretary said of the intern. "He volunteered to be in the suit.”
Sorry, I can't stop laughing, but it's not because it's funny. Republican humor is not something they should ever flaunt. Oh, and its twitter is handle is @HRCsquirrel
.@HillaryClinton is trying to hide her record on #Benghazi the way I hide acorns.
— HRC Squirrel (@HRCSquirrel) June 14, 2014
I always thought having a Reince Priebus rodent following Hillary around would have been more entertaining.