Rudy Giuliani was so amped up in his speech tonight it was hard to understand him. Okay, well, it's hard to understand him most of the time. But in a night where race was the unspoken but clearly articulated issue on the table (not national security), this rant by Rudy was nothing less than insane.
"Hillary Clinton's experience is exactly the reason she should not be President of the United States," Giuliani yelled while emphasizing every word as if it were its own sentence.
"There's no next election. This is it," he declared. "There is no more time for us left to revive our great country. No more time to repeat our mistakes of the Clinton-Obama years!"
Some more blustering about Trump being an agent of change (!) -- the kind of "change we need." (More on that in a moment) Also Reagan, argle-bargle, and "greatness."
God bless America.
Is this when I mention that lots more diplomats and military personnel died when St. Ronnie was president than during President Obama's presidency?
Now I confess, when Rudy said "there's no next election," I almost agreed with him, if Trump is elected. Because a President Trump would soon become a dictator. It's what narcissistic fascists do. I consider Donald Trump America's Qaddafi, and you should too.